
Grimm Street (2015)

2016 WINNER: Best Female Performance, BAFTA Scotland New Talent Award – Sarah Miele.

Teenager Rose Hawthorne has always relied on her imagination to make sense of the world, but today Rose’s story takes a dark turn. With her health deteriorating fast, Rose’s reality merges with her fairy tales. There’s a wolf on her street and he’s coming for her.

Starring Sarah Miele, Vivien Grahame, Ryan Little, George Anton, Marlie Siu, Aidan McPhelim & Ryan Havelin.
Writer: Emma Lennox Miller
Director: Siri Rødnes
Producer: Jill Pryde
Director of Photography: David Lee
Production Designer: Eve Murray
Costume: Natalie McGowan
Hair & Makeup: Claire McAndrews
Editor: Dougie Flockhart
Composer: Marty Hailey
Sound Designer: Jay Price
Colourist: Belgin Kaplan
© 2015 Creative Scotland.

  • Take Your Partners (2015)

  • None of the Above (2018)

  • Asking For It (2015)